A2A stands for “Analysis to Action” in the many years of supporting a vast array of commercial and DoD projects we discovered the first reaction to any crisis experienced was to apply more resources in the forms of time, personnel or money. A2A’s approach is to save your resources by applying groundbreaking techniques and tactics derived from the Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) methodology of Six Sigma. We swiftly and expertly apply these techniques ensuring mitigation of defects and deviations in your processes saving your organization time and money while improving your customer experiences.
Leadership buy-in and collaborating with A2A is the corner stone for ensuring these practices are employed across the business enterprise to optimize all levels of your operation. Quality Management tools, standardized practices and policies for operations ensure the application of later analysis and use of statistics measure those Critical To Quality areas most important to your business and customers. We pride ourselves in conducting sound analysis and then “Doing what the analysis tells us to do”